Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Grease be gone!

I came across Pinterest a while back and have been addicted since then! Every time I have a minute to get on the computer, or my phone, I immediately find myself going to Pinterest. It's horrible, and yet so beneficial. I find out how to do things that I have never even thought of. Often it's a no brainer and then I think to myself-why have I been doing this the hard way for so long!

Last week I came across a post on how to remove grease from appliances. And I was in love. I had to run out and get some Cream of Tarter just so I could try it myself and see if it actually worked. And it did!

I have a deep fryer that was in desperate need of a cleaning. My husband is the one that uses it and we all know how careless men are when they cook. It doesn't matter if its the simplest meal, there will be a mess somehow, someway.

Well, my fryer has been used about once every week or so and was really looking grungy. I tried to use cleaners (on the outside only of course), and just regular dish soap. Nothing was taking away the stick residue though. Then I found the answer here

Pure genius!

I will put my pride aside for one second and show you my before and after photos. Don't judge me! :)

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